孵化系列和崩解II系列 | Hatching series and Disintegrating II series

孵化系列和崩解II系列作品(十副) | Hatch Series and Disintegrating II Series

摄影 | Photography

费比安·奥夫纳 | Fabian Oefner  

瑞士 | Switzerland



台北疯狂艺廊惠允 | Courtesy of MB & F M.A.D. Gallery




艺术家融合艺术与科技创作的摄影作品,带来一种电脑绘图的错觉。孵化系列表达跑车从模具中破壳而生的意象。崩解II” 系列呈现高性能经典跑车的爆炸瞬间。艺术家画出上千枚零件的精确影像位置后,将车模拆解并在手绘稿上一一定位,精心摄制。每张作品都需要数千张的照片后期合成。这也许是有史以来最缓慢的高速摄影,创作一张成品需要耗费将近两个月的时间,但最终看起来却像是在瞬间被捕捉似的。



The Slowest High-Speed Photography Creates A Moment in Time


Combining art and technology, the artist creates these photographs and brings an illusion of computer graphics. The Hatch Series represents the image that a sports car is breaking from the mold. The Disintegrating II Series presents the explosion moment of high-performance classic sports cars. Before photographing, artist needs to draw the hundreds of parts in the precise location, then disassemble the car model and position it on the drawing. Each work needs to be composited with thousands of photographs in the later stage. This might be the “slowest high-speed photography” in history. It will take nearly two months to create one photography, yet it eventually looks like to be caught in a moment.

Elegant vehicles, decomposed by high technology, is breaking at an unimaginable posture. The time is almost solidified, and countless pieces keep their original state, slowly blooming as fireworks in the air, just like the fireworks in the sky, yet freezing at the most charming moment. Both series bring together a wonderful experience, as if observing the life of a classical car from birth to death. Beautiful, yet fragile, these artworks gather great tension, only waiting for a bloom of vivacity and incisiveness.
